Thank you for your interest in the BOK Ranch!
There must be a release form signed in advance for every Scout in attendance.
Payment (There are no refunds for cancelations or absences). Payment is due at the time of your reservation. The cost is $85/per Girl Scout.
Please contact: for more information or to reserve a time for your troop to visit.

Badges B.O.K. Ranch will offer:
- Journey: Outdoor (Daisy)
- Outdoor Art Maker (Daisy K-1)
- Bugs
- Outdoor Art Creator (Brownie 2-3)
- Animal Habitats
- Horseback Riding
- Outdoor Art Explorer (4-5)
- Animal Helpers (Cadette 6-8)
- Outdoor Art Apprentice (Cadette 6-8)
- Outdoor Art Expert (9-10)
- Sky (9-10)
- Voice for Animals (9-10)
- Outdoor Art Master (11-12)