The B.O.K. Ranch is Vendorized by IEM Schools/Ocean Grove. Vendor number is: IEM21577.
*Just like any other child entering the B.O.K. Ranch programs; the first step for Ocean Grove students is to join a Stable Eq class. Once the skills in Stable Eq are mastered, your student may be eligible to “graduate” to the mounted riding program.
An intake packet including a physician’s release form must be completed before classes can be scheduled. A physician’s release is required for all riders.
The B.O.K. Ranch offers an inclusive program that is geared for students who are enrolled in the Ocean Grove Home Schooling program.
Classes are created on an individual basis and cover topics that include: English riding, Western riding, Trail riding, Equine based science, horsemanship, and animal stewardship.
For more information about enrollment, please contact director@bokranch.org